
Meaning of the Name

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What does the name mean?...

The Brinker name was called Brungger while they were in Switzerland.

Brinker, Brinkman, Brink, Brinkmann (Germ, Dutch) Dweller on, or near, the grassy hill; or by the village green. From, "New Dictionary of American Family Names." by Elsdon C. Smith, c. 1956,1973; page 60.

Brinker, Brinkman, Brinkmeyer, Brinkmayer, Brinkmeier (small farmer). From, "German-American Names." by George F. Jones, c. 1990; page 92.

"OLD GERMAN PROFESSIONS, OCCUPATIONS and ILLNESSES "; translated from German into English language (courtesy of Oliver Weiss). Found on the internet at


"Brenker - one who lives on the edge of a village near a grassy hill called a Brink

"Brinker, Brinklieger, Brinkmann, Brinksitzer, Brinkkoet(h)ner - cottager on the edge of a village near a grassy hill called a Brink."